There are many ways to give to the Fremont Area Community Foundation. Some methods may enable you to enjoy increased income and reduced taxes. Life income programs may eliminate or significantly reduce capital gains taxes on appreciated assets. Gifts can be made using cash, securities, bonds, real estate, or personal property.
Fremont Forever Fund
You may give a sum of money or a percentage of your estate to the Fremont Forever Fund, the Foundation's permanent endowment fund. This money provides ongoing support for the Foundation’s giving to the community.
Sustaining Drive
You may make an annual gift to the Foundation through the Sustaining Drive, which provides for administrative expenses of the Foundation, thus helping to make the maximum amount of the endowment income available for grant-making.
Memorial or Honorary Gift
You may make a gift to the Foundation in honor or in memory of a friend or family member. The names of those memorialized are inscribed in the "Book of Memories,” an attractive, leather-bound volume displayed at the Foundation's office, and noted in the annual report of the Foundation.
Field of Interest Gift
You may designate a gift to be used for a specific charitable purpose through one of the Foundation's Field of Interest Funds. This method is designed for donors who may have particular causes they wish to benefit, but are concerned about committing their resources to a particular organization.
Establish a Fund
The Foundation offers a wide variety of options for establishing a fund. Contact us to learn more about your options.
To learn more about making a gift to the Fremont Area Community Foundation, please contact Melissa Diers at 402-721-4252 or
October is Estate Planning Awareness Month
Focus on Philanthropy on 10/29/2024
As we recognize National Estate Planning Awareness Month this October, it’s an ideal time to reflect on the importance of planning for the future. Surprisingly, studies show that more than half of Americans don’t have a will or estate plan. This essential step not only safeguards your assets and fulfills your personal wishes but also offers a unique way to make a lasting impact on our community.
Estate planning allows you to ensure your legacy while also benefiting the causes and organizations you care about. By incorporating charitable giving into your estate plan, you can create a lasting legacy that reflects your values, supporting the causes you care about and addressing community needs for years to come. From establishing a scholarship fund to benefit future generations, to supporting programs for healthcare, education, or the arts, the impact of a planned gift can be transformative. Even small, thoughtful gifts made through your will or trust can contribute to a better quality of life for your neighbors and sustain the work that matters most to you.
If you’re unsure where to begin, consider reaching out to a local professional advisor. They can help you navigate your options and establish a plan that reflects both your personal and philanthropic goals. Estate planning isn’t just for those with extensive wealth; it’s a valuable tool for anyone who wants to provide for their loved ones and community.
If you've already started on your estate plan, consider reviewing it periodically to ensure it aligns with your current wishes. Life changes, and your plans can too—updating them ensures they fully reflect the legacy you wish to leave.
Now is a great time to secure your legacy and support the community you cherish. Contact a local advisor and explore how your estate plan can make a meaningful difference. For a list of advisors in the Dodge County area, click here.