Since 1980, over $38 million has been awarded in grants from the Fremont Forever Fund, donor-advised funds, scholarships and other funds administered by the Fremont Area Community Foundation. Listed below are some of our recent competitive grants:
Grants Awarded in 2025
Care Corps'/LifeHouse - $47,000 to assist with the pantry program.
Community Action Partnership of Lancaster/Saunders Counties - $5,000 for needs assessment.
Douglas County (DC) West Parent-Teacher-Student Association - $10,000 to help with an elementary inclusive playground.
Fremont Family YMCA - $25,000 for the "Steps to a Sustainable Future" project.
Fremont Rural Fire Department - $10,558 for portable radios and pagers.
Lutheran Family Services - $25,000 for the Mobile Crisis Response Program.
Midland University - $50,000 for the Heedum Field Track Resurfacing Project.
Grants Awarded in 2024
American Cancer Society - $10,000 to help with Hope Lodge Nebraska Improvements.
Autism Center of NE - $10,000 towards the Fremont Art Garden Project for 2025.
Cerv Lewis Post 122 American Legion - $6,500 to assist with the Veteran Hall Upgrades.
Nebraska 4-H Program - $10,000 for Dodge County School Enrichment & 4-H Programming.
Dreamweaver Foundation - $5,000 to help the Fulfilling Dreams Program.
National Inventors Hall of Fame, Inc. - $6,600 to assist with Camp Invention: STEM Summer Enrichment for Fremont Area Children
Roots to Wings - $4,000 for Water Project.
Midland University (Proactive Grant) - $15,000 for Moller Field Infield Renovation.
Disabled American Veterans (Proactive Grant) - $15,000 for Phase 1 for Facility Remodel.
Care Corps' Lifehouse (Proactive Grant) - $15,000 for Year-End additional assistance requests.
CASA of the Midlands - $30,000 for Increasing CASA Capacity.
Cuming County Fair Foundation - $15,000 for New Updated Livestock Building.
Disabled American Veterans - $15,000 for Upgrades/Remodeling to DAV Facility
Midland University - $7,500 for Safety Hand Rails and Dugout Improvements at Moller Field.
Heartland Workers Center - $10,000 for Expansion of its Building Cultural Wealth Program.
Set Me Free Project - $10,000 for Building Resilience against Trafficking for Vulnerable Populations.
Arlington Public Schools - $7,500 for Room of Requirements' goal.
Banisters Leadership Academy - $15,000 for Dodge County Simmonds Youth Academy Project and Saunders County Night LIFE.
ESU #2 - $8,415 for SpotCheck Vision Project.
Fremont Archery Inc. - $3,000 for Camp Quality Heartland.
Heartland Equine Therapeutic Riding Academy Inc. - $11,340 for Miniature Equine Onsite Learning.
Old Poor Farm - $10,000 for Promotion, Sustainability, and Maintenance.
R.E.S.P.E.C.T 2 - $5,000 for Building Healthy Relationship Skills Through Theatre
Aspire for Greatness - $25,000 for old group mentoring program.
Care Corps' Life House - $45,000 for pantry program.
City of Lyons - $11,000 for automatic external defibrillators.
Community Action Partnership of Lancaster and Saunders Counties - $10,000 for rural emergency services program.
Dodge County Fair Foundation - Last Dollar grant of $50,000 for an event center at the Dodge County fairgrounds.
Dodge County SID #2 - $4,789.75 for an update to the Emergency signal system within Dodge County.
Fremont Family YMCA - $100,000 for a capacity building revenue.
Fremont Methodist Hospital - $40,000 for Cancer Capital Campaign.
Fremont Public Schools/FPS Foundation - $35,000 for Career Technical Education Center.
Rise Above Gymnastics, Inc. - $15,000 for gymnastic flooring.
Grants Awarded in 2023
City of Fremont - $15,000 to fund the first year of the Fremont Transit Program.
Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska, Inc. - $1,500 to help fund basic needs items for the LFS Fremont Boutique as we enter the high-volume winter season.
Fremont Opera House - $30,000 for repairs to the flooring, stained glass and paint.
Fremont Area Habitat for Humanity - $20,000 to fund pilot program with FHS to build wall panels for a Habitat home.
David Hargens VFW Post #10535 (Hooper) - $6,147 to repair the brick exterior and replace the worn kitchen cabinets and flooring.
Mid America Council Boy Scouts - $2,500 to assist with campership program.
National Inventors Hall of Fame, Inc. - $5,400 to assist underserved children with the Camp Invention: STEM Summer Enrichment fees.
Purcell Initiative of North Bend - $15,000 to help purchase a new North Bend Highway Frontage Sign
Tekamah-Herman Public Schools Foundation - $10,000 to assist in purchasing inclusive playground equipment for children of all ages and abilities.
Fremont Family YMCA - $60,000 to help purchase a new bus for transportation.
Special Olympics - Fremont - $1,500 to help purchase official competition uniforms for tennis team and adult size racquets.
Fremont Family Coalition - $4,200 to provide for Inclusive Communities training.
Dodge County Sports Complex - $25,000 to support administrative expenses and consulting costs.
CASA of the Midlands - $10,000 to assist a strong community support system for children in the court system.
Sammy's Superheroes Foundation - $1,500 to support the "Unlocking Your Superpower Book Tour."
Woodcliff Veterans - $5,000 to support a Woodcliff Water Tower.
Old Poor Farm - $10,000 to support the renovations of a new fence, pen, and roof.
North Bend/Morse Bluff Area Community Veterans Park - $5,000 to support the revitalization of the landscape.
North Bend Central Booster Club - $7,500 to support digital scoreboard and curriculum project.
Logan View Public Schools - $3,854 to support National WWI High School Junior Field Trip
Fremont Rural Fire Department - $55,000 to support flood and water rescue boats/trailers.
FEVR Rail to Trail Foundation - $50,000 to convert railroad line into a walking/bicycle trail.
Nebraska Mediation Center - $1,500 to assist in purchase of Network for Good Software Program.
Catz Angels Rescue Effort - $1,500 for website development and branding project.
Banister's Leadership Academy - $10,000 to support Family Navigator Program.
Village of Bancroft - $20,000 to assist with park restroom and shelter updates.
Aspire for Greatness - $10,000 for support after school programming for the summer.
Care Corps - $25,000 to support renovation of emergency shelter.
City of Scribner Economic Development - $15,000 to replace Highway 275 message center sign.
Fremont Area Art Association - $50,000 to support complete construction on FAAA buildings.
Fremont Family YMCA - $60,000 for new gymnastics floor.
Furever Home - $1,500 for facilitator, catering, and basic office supplies.
Midland University - $50,000 to support new health science facility.
Rebuilding Together, Platte Valley East - $50,000 for increasing capacity.
National Inventors Hall of Fame - $5,000 for Camp Invention.
American Cancer Society-Dodge County Relay for Life - $1,500 for promotion of Relay For Life of Dodge County celebration.
Grants Awarded in 2022
Fremont Church of the Nazarene - $1,500 to help with the costs of the Night to Shine event.
City of Fremont - Fremont Fire Department - $33,268 to purchase 2 of the 3 CPR equipment devices for the ambulances.
Fremont Area Habitat for Humanity - $30,000 to help purchase a new Habitat HomeStore Truck.
Trinity Lutheran School - $22,200 to purchase a shade structure for the new playground equipment.
Aspire for Greatness - $1,500 to support their Mock Trial team.
Northeast Nebraska Community Action Partnership - $1,500 for NENCAP Strategic Planning session.
Fremont Area Art Association - $1,000 to assist and support the creation of the Creative District Program.
Logan View Public Schools - $1,500 for the "Discover Your Why, Become the Change" program.
CASA of the Midlands - $30,000 to help support operational funding so they can continue to serve children in Dodge & Saunders Counties.
Saunders County Youth Services - $10,000 for In-Home therapy services for children under the age of 11.
Village of Bancroft - Up to $20,000 in last dollar/matching funds to update the Bancroft park restrooms and park shelter.
Angels Among Us - $10,000 to help support families that have a child battling cancer and being treated in Nebraska.
Fremont Area Veterans Coalition - $1,260 to support the Military All Star Baseball Game in Fremont.
Fremont Area Big Give - $3,000 for prize funds to be given to the non-profits.
Special Olympics Nebraska - $1,500 to help support athletes to the 2022 Special Olympics USA Games.
North Bend Tree Board, Inc. - $30,000 for "Paving a Path for the Future - Phase III."
Great Plains United Methodist Camps (Camp Fontanelle) - $25,000 for Split Oak Hollow building.
Archbishop Bergan Catholic Schools - $10,000 to assist in updating of Literacy Program.
Dodge County 4-H Council - $3,150 to construct, decorate, install, stock, and maintain 10 Little Free Pantries.
Christensen Field Improvement Task Force - $7,500 for a keyless entry with doors and key card access.
Banisters Leadership Academy - $15,000 for a Night LIFE program.
Arlington Public Schools - $4,000 for the expansion of pottery in the art room including pugmill, a slab roller, and an extruder.
American Cancer Society-Dodge County Relay for Life - $1,500 for promotion of Relay For Life of Dodge County celebration.
Fremont Family YMCA - $1,500 for kick boards, pull buoys, equipment bags, paddles and fins.
Washington County Historical Association - $16,000 for development and installation of signs, panels, and creation of life-size figures.
Village of Inglewood - $10,000 for solar powered speeding signs for Ridgeland Ave.
Fremont Rural Fire Protection District #8 - $30,000 for equipment/tools to save lives and property.
Roots to Wings - $40,000 for demolition and remodeling of new location in Arlington.
Grants Awarded in 2021
Old Poor Farm and Animal Sanctuary - $5,000 to change ownership to board controlled and allow farm to be open for regular hours.
Merrymakers Association - $7,400 to provide live and interactive musical entertainment to seniors in care facilities.
Fremont Area Habitat for Humanity - $20,000 to help cover cost of construction materials.
Disabled American Veterans-Joseph C. H. Bales Chapter #78 - $8,390 for kitchen and bathroom upgrades.
Autism Center of Nebraska - $22,040 for Fremont Art Garden 2022.
Fremont Professional Firefighters Historical Society - $5,000 to help purchase AquaEye tool for Dodge County Water Rescue Team.
Saunders County Youth Services - $10,000 to help cover therapists mileage and drive time costs for in-home services, ages 10 and under.
Fremont Rural Fire Protection District #8 - $9,500 to help fund much needed technical rescue equipment.
Community Action Partnership of Lancaster and Saunders Counties - $10,000 to help with the rural emergency services program in Saunders County.
Trinity Lutheran Early Childhood Center, LLC - $10,000 to install air conditioning for gym.
Omaha Conservatory of Music - $7,000 to fund the early education program designed for underserved children.
Neligh Park Inclusive Playground with West Point Community Foundation - $10,000 to help assist with inclusive playground equipment for Neligh Park.
Dodge County REACT - $2,500 to provide cold weather gear for volunteers.
CareCorps, Inc. dba Care Corps' LifeHouse - $100,000 to remodel pantry and shelter along with adding to current shelter.
Arlington Public School - $1,500 to help create three raised flower beds.
Arlington Leslie Downs American Legion Post 71 - $10,000 to assist in the Arlington Veterans Memorial Wall.
Arlington Dog Park - $20,000 to help fund the new Arlington dog park
American Cancer Society - $1,500 to support Relay for Life of Dodge County programs and services.
Digg Site Productions - $50,000 to help with the Empress Theatre Renovation Project.
FitGirl, Inc. - $12,000 for program and lessons focusing on helping girls(and boys) explore important issues in their lives.
Heartland Equine Therapeutic Riding Academy(HETRA) - $25,000 to assist with adaptive riding, services, coaching and programming in the Fremont area.
John G. Neihardt Foundation - $9,800 for strategic planning for foundation board.
Keene Memorial Library - $100,000 to support the Grow with Us Campaign (renovation and expansion project).
Arlington Dog Park - $1,400 to help support the start up of the new dog park in Arlington, NE.
Fremont Area United Way - $10,000 to assist with the "52 Weeks of Diapers: Helping Little Behinds Get a Little Ahead" project.
Grants Awarded in 2020
Northeast Nebraska Community Action Partnership - $6,500 to help purchase online security awareness software.
Midland University - $10,620 for emergency CNA training.
Saunders County Youth Services/Active Community Team - $5,000 to help provide in-home mental health therapy services for youth and families.
Fremont Public School Foundation/The Urban Tiger - $5,000 to help purchase needed clothing and hygiene supplies for students needing these items.
Fremont Area United Way - $12,000 for a voucher system to help people who have additional assistance needs.
Fremont Civil Air Patrol - $20,000 to help with aerospace education, STEM for youth of the Civil Air Patrol and expanding support to the City of Fremont for search and rescue.
Greater Fremont Development Foundation - $1,500 to assist with the Here We Grow Video Series.
City of Scribner - $5,600 to assist with speed sign signals on Highway 275.
Roots to Wings - $20,000 to help in the purchase of the Fontanelle Orchard Company property.
Fremont Opera House - $12,000 to assist in reopening expenses due to Covid 19 loss of income.
Blade 5K - $1,500 to help bridge the cost of any device that would help an adaptive athlete.
Archbishop Bergan Catholic School - $10,000 for tuition assistance due to Covid 19.
CASA of the Midlands - $1,500 to assist in volunteer background fees, so they can assist children in need.
Dodge County Emergency Management - $5,000 to bring the ARES Mobile Communications & Resource Trailer up to date and safe to operate.
Fremont Area Art Association - $1,500 to help purchase a new computer and software
Greater Fremont Development Council - $2,730 to help with the housing study update.
Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska - $2,500 for financial assistance to girls wanting to attend Girl Scout Camp.
Fremont Area Habitat for Humanity - $10,000 to assist in operation expenses due to Covid-19 closing income sources.
Fremont Area United Way - $24,500 to support the increase in basic needs requests due to Covid-19.
Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska - $15,000 to help cover both in-kind expenses and costs of purchasing essential items due to Covid-19.
Trinity Lutheran School - $1,923 to purchase 3-D printers for printing protective face shields for health care workers across Dodge, Saunders and Washington counties.
Care-Corps (LifeHouse) - $25,000 to assist in purchasing additional food for pantry due to increase in need.
Car-A-Van - $1,000 - Marketing plan for creation of an online presence and increased awareness.
Community Action Partnership of Lancaster & Saunders County - $5,000 for rural emergency services to prevent and eliminate homelessness.
Lifehouse - $50,000 to help acquire a 15-unit apartment building.
Dodge County Clover 4H Club - $1,500 to assist the Dodge County fair grounds with AED's (defibrillators).
John C. Fremont Days - $1,500 to help with LED lights for park splash pad.
Uniquely Yours Stability Support - $15,000 to help with parenting education and support for struggling families.
American Cancer Society - $1,500 for Relay for Life of Dodge County.
Grants Awarded in 2019
The Bridge - $10,000 to assist with creating a video of survivors sharing their stories that will be used to empower survivors to be active subjects over their lives.
Merrymakers Association - $3,500 to provide live and interactive professional musical entertainment on a monthly basis for seniors.
Ideal Nebraska - $30,000 to help with the Vibrant Neighborhoods Fremont - Revitalization Initiative (Phase 1). The purpose of this initiative is to enrich the lives of neighborhood residents in these targeted areas.
Fremont Public Schools Foundation - $15,000 to fund the FHS Varsity Choir participation fee in the Choirs of America 2020 Nationals for Top Choirs at Carnegie Hall in New York City.
Educational Service Unit #2 - $6,800 to assist with the Emergency Backpack Program to help children that have been removed from their homes and moved into an out-of-home placement.
City of Hooper - $20,000 to help fund the upgrades to the Hooper baseball field.
Camp Fontanelle - $50,000 to help fund a retreat center at the camp.
Boy Scouts Mid-America Council - $2,000 to expand the opportunity for more youth to attend summer camp at Camp Cedars.
Disabled American Veterans - $5,476 to fund a new sidewalk entrance for the Fremont facility.
Fremont Area Art Association - $10,000 to assist in the Insulating the East Roof project.
Midland University - $1,500 to help fund a Diversity and Inclusion Speaker Series.
Nebraska PTA/Clarmar PTA - $8,000 to help fund a new playground structure.
American Legion Lewis Cerv Post 122 Dodge, NE - $6,000 to assist with remodeling restroom to make it handicap accessible.
Friends of Keene Memorial Library - $5,000 to help the Summer Reading Program bring in astronaut Clayton Anderson.
Fremont Area Habitat for Humanity - $8,900 to purchase a trailer and tools to assist in construction and repairs.
Nebraska Shakespeare Festival, Inc. - $5,000 to bring the performance to schools in Dodge and Washington County.
Rebuilding Together Platte Valley East, Inc. - $15,000 to help with capacity-building and core support operations.
Trinity Lutheran School - $10,000 to assist with a remodel project focusing on STEM program.
Dodge County 911 Communication Center - $1,500 for a new simulator for children to practice contacting 911 and talking with dispatchers.
CASA of the Midlands - $1,500 for start up expenses to expand to surrounding communities.
Avenue of Flags/Veterans Park - $10,000 to Veterans Memorial Park to honor our nation's veterans.
Dodge County Fair Foundation - $15,000 to help build the kidZone Animal Annex onto the current structure.
Fremont Public School Foundation - $25,000 to help purchase and install a UHF Emergency Communication Radio System at FPS, Bergan and Trinity.
Fort Atkinson Foundation - $20,000 designated to the upgrades to the Keelboat exhibit.
Friends of the Fremont Area Parks (on behalf of the Fremont Kiwanis Club) - $25,000 to help build an inclusive playground adjacent to the Splash Station.
Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska - $10,000 to build the foster care and prevention-focused supportive resources in the Fremont area.
Uehling Area Community Foundation - $10,000 to complete their Charters of Freedom Park, it is the 18th nationally and 1st in Nebraska.
American Cancer Society - $1,500 to help enhance the marketing of the Relay for Life of Dodge County event.
John C. Fremont Days - $450 to purchase a new computer.
Grants Awarded in 2018
City of Wisner - $1,200 to help fund “Macy and Sarah’s Pooch Project”—a dog park to be located in a Wisner community park to honor the life of Wisner-Pilger student Jayda Oligumueller who passed away in a 2017 car accident.
Mosiac - $1,500 to help fund their 2018 Holiday Dinner.
Saunders County Youth Services - $10,000 to provide in-home therapy services for youth and families who are referred to the program through the school, truancy specialist and/or diversion officer.
Fremont Habitat for Humanity - $1,500 to assist with updating and adding office equipment due to organizational growth.
Care-Corps, Inc. - $10,000 to provide support for the shelter and food pantry programs.
Boy Scouts of America - Mid-American Council - $2,500 to help fund an after-school program, ScoutReach, in Linden and Washington schools.
Archbishop Bergan Catholic School - $15,000 to assist in the purchase of digital handheld technology (Chromebooks) for the 1:1 initiative.
American Veterans Park (West Point, NE) - $5,000 to help defray the projected total cost of for the completion of the park.
First Lutheran Church - $1,500 to help fund “The Banquet,” a free meal served weekly at the church for members of our community who are “spiritually, socially, or physically hungry.”
The Bridge - $750 to assist with the Dodge County Collaborative Team Resource Fair - Operation Backpack.
Fremont Area Alzheimer's Collaboration - $1,500 to help support the Fremont Area Alzheimer's Farmers Market.
The Bridge - $3,825 to assist with fence installation for outdoor programming.
Rebuilding Together Platte Valley East - $3,000 to assist with purchase of two Microsoft Surface Pro LTE tablets to improve client intake, communications, and reporting and record-keeping.
Fremont Opera House, Inc. - $35,000 to replace the portion of exterior brick and to protect the inner four courses of brick that support the structure.
Fremont Area Art Association - $50,000 for Phase I of the Expansion and Renovation Project.
Fremont Public Schools Foundation (Fremont Middle School) - $40,000 to purchase Chromebooks for the Fremont Middle School students.
Bell Field Elementary - $7,000 to purchase state of the art, indoor & outdoor "Project Fit America" equipment.
Fremont Rural Fire Department - $3,500 to purchase 5 Class A Uniforms to outfit color guard.
Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska - $2,500 to support 10 camp scholarships for any girl in the FACF grant area.
Hope Center for Kids - Fremont - $18,000 to help create a mentoring program for young people, ages 11-19, in Fremont.
Humanities Nebraska - $3,000 to help fund a 6-week Prime Time Family Reading program.
Linden Elementary - $2,592 to purchase materials to create calming stations in each classroom.
Scribner American Legion Auxiliary Post 121 - $1,500 to help fund the Gold Star Mother's Grave Marker project.
Winslow Fire Department - $5,000 to help purchase pagers for firefighters.
R.E.S.P.E.C.T - $17,200 to support educational programs on bullying, mental health, abuse, internet safety, dating violence and relationships for youth at FPS.
Special Olympics Nebraska - $1,500 mini grant to support Team Nebraska in the 2018 Special Olympics USA games.
Dodge VFW/Post 8597 - $1,500 mini grant for decorative fencing project at the Veteran's Memory Park.
Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska - $1,500 mini grant for the Uehling Park Improvement Project.
Uehling Fire District #6 - $1,500 mini grant for emergency responder medical supply bags.
Fremont Avenue of Flags - $25,000 to construct a Veterans Memorial Park to honor our nation's veterans.
Friends of the Fremont Area Parks - $1,500 mini grant for sun shade at Dog Park West (West Linden & Davenport)
FHS Tiger Band - $26,400 for eight tubas for the Tiger Marching Band.
North Bend Central Public Schools - $10,000 to fund a fully functioning greenhouse for the Farm to School Greenhouse initiative.
Grants Awarded in 2017
The Bridge - $1,500 mini-grant for the Dodge County Collaborative Team Community Resource Fair
Boy Scout Troop #109 - $2,000 to construct pitching bullpens on NightHawks Field
Catz Angels Rescue Effort (CARE) - $10,000 for a Trap/Spay-Neuter/Release/Adopt program to address the area's feral cat population
Cornbelt Diabetes Connection, Inc. - $1,000 to support free screenings provided by the Mobile Diabetes Center
The Digg-Site Productions - $5,000 for its “Film It" summer documentary film workshops for area youth.
Dodge American Legion Post #122 - $1,500 mini-grant to use for replacement of the air conditioner in the Veterans Club
ESU #2 - $5,000 for the "All Minds Matter" workshop held at Midland University featuring Liz Murray
Fremont Band Boosters - $1,500 mini-grant for their 2017 band trip
Fremont Creative Collective - $8,000 for a community study regarding potential development of technological, entrepreneurial and artistic endeavors
Friends of the Vietnam Veterans Perpetual Living Memorial - $1,500 to produce music CDs of Vietnam-era songs. The CDs will be sold, with proceeds benefiting the Vietnam Veterans Perpetual Living Memorial in Clemmons Park.
FPS Encore Campaign Committee - $60,000 to help renovate the Fremont High School's Nell McPherson Theatre
Fremont Public Schools Foundation - $10,000 for a mobile digital display board and updated sound system for Appleget Field
Fremont Public Schools Foundation - $7,500 in mini-grants for world traveler Dean Jacobs' writing workshops at Bell Field, Milliken Park, Howard, Grant, Washington and Clarmar Elementary Schools.
Keep Fremont Beautiful - $1,500 mini-grant for their Continuous Community Education Project
Logan-View Elementary School - $1,500 for writing workshop with world traveler Dean Jacobs
MainStreet of Fremont - $3,500 for a temporary pop-up park in downtown Fremont
The Merrymakers Association - $3,360 for monthly professional music entertainment at three area senior care facilities
Metropolitan Community College - $25,000 for Fremont Area Diesel Academy tools
Midland University - $60,000 for capital improvements in the dining hall and student commons
Omaha Area Youth Orchestra - $1,500 mini-grant for their In-School Music Enrichment and Equitable Access! program
Patriotic Productions - $8,100 to support the Nebraska Vietnam Combat Veterans Flight to Washington, D.C.
R.E.S.P.E.C.T. 2 - $4,250 for ten anti-bullying educational theater programs for Fremont students
VFW Post #8597, Dodge, NE - $1,500 mini-grant for landscaping at the Veterans Memory Park
West Point Community Foundation - $10,000 for their recreational trails project
Grants Awarded in 2016
Archbishop Bergan Catholic School - $1,500 to provide CPR, AED and First Aid Training for staff members.
City of North Bend - $2,500 to support the replacement of the park shelter.
Dodge County 4-H Foundation - $10,000 for the expansion and improvement of the livestock pavilion and restrooms at the Dodge County Fairgrounds.
Fremont Area Art Association - $28,000 toward the purchase of the adjacent Rump Building, which will be renovated for classroom/studio space.
Fremont Avenue of Flags - $10,000 for a flag storage trailer.
Autism Action Partnership - $3,250 to support the "Circle of Friends Program" at Fremont Public Schools.
Fremont Soccer Club - $1,500 for a scholarship fund to help local youth in need afford participation in the club.
Care Corps - $43,400 to assist in providing skilled case management services for homelessness prevention.
Dodge County Historical Society - $50,000 toward the "Restore the Top" Roofline Balustrade Project.
Fremont Area Safety and Security Alliance - $4,000 toward safety and security training for area organizations.
Good Neighbor Community Health Center - $46,634 toward the Fremont Dental Health facility expansion.
Lutheran Family Services - $22,220 toward the “Building Bridges Out of Poverty” in Fremont program.
Midland University - $30,000 for updating technology; SMARTBoards and notebooks, for the Education Department and Teacher Education Program.
Northeast Nebraska Community Action Partnership - $1,500 for the redesign of the NENCAP website.
Prague Improvement and Maintenance Project - $10,000 to assist with replacing park equipment.
Rebuilding Together Greater Fremont Area - $20,000 toward the construction of home accessibility ramps.
The Bridge - $5,400 to replace the organization’s phone system.
Three Rivers Public Health Department - $1,500 for training at the 2016 National Behavioral Health Conference.
Uniquely Yours Stability Support - $6,500 to assist with the Financial Support Services Program.
Washington County Friends of the Fair - $15,000 for the renovation of the restrooms in the community building at the Washington County Fairgrounds.
Grants Awarded in 2015
Arlington Public Schools - $1,500 for CPR training mannequins from the American Heart Association.
Boy Scouts/Mid-America Council - $2,500 to support the Fremont Area Scoutreach Program
City of Fremont - $6,000 for body cameras for Fremont Police Department.
Digg Site Productions - $10,000 for expansion of the organization’s Fremont/Eastern NE Film Commission Office and its "Film It: The World Inside and Out" accredited summer film documentary workshop for area high school students.
Dodge American Legion - $7,500 to support the Veterans' Memorial Park project in Dodge, NE.
ESU #2 - $10,000 for the "All Minds Matter" workshop to be held at Midland University featuring Temple Grandin
First Congregational Church - $2,000 for a Zoll AED plus defibrillator.
Fremont Area United Way - $10,000 to support a "Bridges Out of Poverty" Two-Day Community Workshop.
Fremont Rotary Club - $1,000 toward the organizations’ annual Outstanding Teacher Award.
Fresh Hope - $500 to help establish a Fresh Hope chapter in Fremont.
Hope Center for Kids - $10,000 for renovations for the new home of The Hope Center for Kids in Fremont.
Joseph's Coat - $9,000 to support the establishment of a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
Main Street Fremont/Friends of the Pathfinder Hotel - $5,000 for the Pathfinder Hotel Monument that will be located in the City of Fremont park across the street from the hotel site.
Nebraska English/Language Arts Council - $500 to support the publishing of the second edition of "Guide to Nebraska Authors."
Radio Talking Book Service - $7,500 for Barix box technology, which will provide the Radio Talking Book Service to visually impaired individuals at nursing homes in the Fremont area.
Rebuilding Together, Greater Fremont Area - $10,000 for toward the purchase a Volunteer Project Trailer that is outfitted with tools and construction supplies for use by volunteers; $5,000 for a North Bend branch office expansion.
St. Wenceslaus Catholic School - $1,000 to update the automated library system at the school in Dodge.
Grants Awarded in 2014
Fremont Family YMCA - $100,000 grant toward the construction of the Sid and Hazel Dillon Aquatic Center.
Digg Site Productions, Inc. - $15,162 for its “Film It: The World Inside and Out” project, which includes summer documentary film workshops for area youth interested in filmmaking.
Village of Cedar Bluffs - $5,000 grant toward the construction of a new playground in the city park.
Uehling Area Foundation - $7,500 toward the installation of a new digital sign on Highway 77.
Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska - $2,500 toward the costs of providing the Girl Scout Leadership Experience to Girl Scouts at Camp Crossed Arrows.
Orchestra Omaha - $2,000 from the Lester A. Walker Fund for its “Carmina at the Holland” project. This provided an educational opportunity for Fremont musicians to perform at the Holland Performing Arts Center with students from other area schools.
Fremont Public Schools Foundation - $7,000 toward the “Project Fit America” initiative at Milliken Park Elementary School.
Fremont Public Schools - $25,000 for the enhancement of existing playgrounds to meet the safety and compliance requirements for three new preschool classrooms.
Fremont Area Habitat for Humanity - $20,000 grant from the Lester A. Walker Fund for the “All Under One Roof” campaign. The building provides a centralized location for the Habitat Homestore, administrative offices and construction area.
Aspire for Greatness - $10,000