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Thank you, retiring board members!

The growth and impact of the foundation over the past 43 years would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of our Board of Directors. These individuals give a tremendous amount of their volunteer time to serve the foundation. They are actively involved at the committee level and are engaged in decision making and discussion at the Board level.

Fremont Area Community Foundation board members commit to serve up to (3) three-year terms, and many complete all three. This year we had three members retire from the Board of Directors: Brad Holtorf, Cheryl Lamme, and Adam Monke. We’d like to thank them for their dedicated service to the foundation.

The foundation is indebted to the service of our directors—past and present, and it’s the foundation’s tradition to plant a tree in a Fremont area park in honor of retiring board members; we’ll look forward to planting a tree for Brad, Cheryl and Adam.