2014-2015 Youth Philanthropy Contest Winners
Grades K-4 Winner
"Fun Fair" - Girl Scout Troop 42607 (Fremont & North Bend)
The Fremont and North Bend area girl scouts hosted a Fun Fair carnival to raise money for non-perishable food items and toys for the Salvation Army.
Read more about the Fun Fair in this Fremont Tribune article: "Youth projects to benefit good causes".
Grades 5-8 Winner "Blankets for Kids"
Keegan McConnell, Reagan McConnell, Emily Brodd (North Bend)Submitted by Keegan McConnell, Reagan McConnell and Emily Brodd of North Bend. The youth made blankets and pillows that area fire departments can supply to kids who are victims of house fires and accidents.
Read more about their project in this Fremont Tribune article.
Grades 9-12 Winner
"Wheels for Meals" - PresbyYOUTH Group of Fremont
The youth group organized a bike ride fundraiser in which people paid to ride in. The proceeds went to the Low Income Ministry’s weekend supplemental feeding program at Washington Elementary.
Check out the article Fundraiser Rolls to Successful Outcome in the Fremont Tribune!
Best of Show Award - Education
"Middle School Green Space Project" - Mrs. Beam's & Mr. Saeger's Enrichment Class (Fremont)
Seventh-grade students at the middle school took on a revitalization project in the green space between two of the pods at Fremont Middle School. The goal was to clean up and enhance the space for students, teachers and classes to use as outdoor classroom space.
Read the Tribune article about their project and see more pictures here!
Jessica Janssen Youth Philanthropy Award
"Walk for Cancer Research" - Wylie Roumph and Lauren Clapper (Fremont)
Roumph and Clapper held a fundraising walk around Johnson Lake to support cancer research. Proceeds went to the Team Jack Foundation.